We need your support to help
Build This Park

We are over 75% of the way to being fully funded but we need the communities of Jackson Park users’ support to help raise the remaining funds.

Every contribution helps to renovate and improve this neighborhood treasure.

Let’s Build This Park Video

Community Testimonial Video

Be a Friend of Jackson Park and
Donate Today

Friends of Jackson Park can accept donations of stocks, securities, crypto, DAFs, credit card gifts and checks.

Can you double your impact? Ask your employer to match your contribution

Donate online

Donate by mail:
Friends of Jackson Park 368 Connecticut St. SF, CA 94107

Have questions or need assistance?
Please email
info@friendsofjacksonpark.org and we'll be glad to help

Your tax free contributions will greatly help our efforts to move this project forward. Additionally, your financial contribution demonstrates the support we have from our community to make this vision a reality. 

Friends of Jackson Park is a 501(c)(3) organization, 
Our EIN # 82-4607065

Donor Recognition Plan

Naming Opportunities for Park Elements

12 donors interested in contributing between $250,000 - $2 million

In the Park Donor Recognition – Up to 37 plaques recognizing park donors who make contributions between $25,000 -$100,000

In the Clubhouse Donor Wall Recognition – Donors who contribute more than $2,500 will be included on the donor wall

Learn more here

We are Almost to our Funding Goal

Funding for the Jackson Park renovation project is dependent on 3 sources: City impact fees, bond money, and private/public donations.

This is where you come in - every dollar counts!

Funding for the Jackson Park renovation project is dependent on 3 sources: City impact fees, bond money, and private/public donations.

This is where you come in - every dollar counts!